There is quite a bit to learn if your goal is to have a healthy and wonderful garden. Garden can involve back-breaking labor, but it can also be very enjoyable. This article has some advice for having more fun and less work in your garden.
Plant slug-proof perennials. These creatures can wreak havoc on a garden in a short time. These garden pests prefer perennials with thin, flat, delicate leaves, particularly if the plant is not yet mature. Others, though, are disliked by slugs and snails. Those with rough leaves or an unappetizing taste will be less desired by slugs and snails. Good choices in this category are plants such as achillea, campanula, and euphorbia. Heuchera and helleborus also work well.
Starting off your garden with healthy soil can be the best defense against those pesky garden bugs. Healthy plants can better ward off pests and diseases. If you start with balanced soil, your garden will produce healthy plants with the best yield. Refrain from using chemicals since these will increase the salt content of the soil.
Biennials and annuals are great if you would like to better your flower bed. Annuals and biennials that grow quickly can really wake up your flower beds, and they allow you to have a new garden look every season or every year, if you choose to. They can be used to fill in gaps in your garden between the perennials or shrubs so your garden looks fuller. Some varieties are hollyhocks, petunias and sunflowers.
A garden needs the right type of soil to grow properly. Consider getting a soil analysis and working on enrichment techniques for giving your garden a vibrant and healthy environment. There are numerous places to find this service, such as your local Cooperative Extension office. The cost is well worth it to avoid a potentially ruined crop.
Clearly, it isn’t hard to be a good gardener. You just have to know the tricks of the trade. The tips we have shared with you in this article should have armed you with the needed information to produce a garden, which is a work of art.