Are Pests Bugging You? You Need To Read This!

It’s difficult to eliminate pests if they’re in your home. You might have to spend some money and some time to get rid of your pest control problem. Apply the advice in this piece and stem the tide of pest problems.

Do you have an issue where fruit flies keep appearing? Your drain may be the issue. Make sure that you wrap your drain to the best of your ability with plastic. If you end up seeing them you should clean your drain as well as you possibly can. This should prevent them from breeding in there.

Start from the beginning. If you have trouble with pests, figure out what they’re eating. Pests probably like to come into your home because they have shelter, food and plenty of water. Look to see you do not have food scraps laying around. Plug any potential entryways. Look for sources of water leakage.

Have an ant infestation? A simple combination of borax and sugar will eradicate them. They are drawn to the sugar, while the borax will prove lethal. To create this mixture, get yourself a quart jar, and use a cup of sugar and a cup of borax. Make holes in the lid and sprinkle it on your home’s baseboards and foundation.

Try using pesticides around the foundation of your home. Apply it to the steps, foundation and around windows and doors. While you spray, look around for crevices that pests can use as an entrance point to your home. Use caulk or the right kind of filler to seal these areas.

Mint is a great deterrent for keeping mice away. Go around the whole foundation of your house and plant mint. Mice will not want to live near this fragrant plant. Sprinkle mint leaves around affected areas if you have a mouse problem. This can repel these pesky pests, but use fresh mint leaves.

Now you should be prepared to combat any little pests that are driving you insane. Make use of all you have just learned, and eliminate them today! Soon enough, you will have your home back and they will be in your life and your home no longer.


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